
The holidays are coming up which also means 2014 is right around the corner. It's crazy how quick this year has gone by! To start off the new year, Gaby (Another Girly Blog) has come up with the #2014BloggerChallenge that I am very happy to say that I've become apart of. This challenge is to write a blog post twice a month on different topics. The posts will go live during the 1st and 3rd week of each month. Everyone who decides to sign up will get the topics emailed to them by Gaby. These topics are to give you new ideas to encourage everyone to write about things they wouldn't normally write about.

ANYONE who wants to get involved, can get involved - does not matter your blog topic! The #2014BloggerChallenge is also to help you gain more traffic, discover new blogs and even make blogger friends. If you'd like to be apart of this, all you have to do is email Gaby at with your name, your blog url and email address - it's that simple!

Let's see how many people we can get to be apart of this wonderful challenge! If you do become a participant, I would love to know!


Posted on

12 November 2013

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