“‎There comes a time in your life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all life is too short to be anything but happy.”-Karl Marx

       It seems to be human nature to be addicted to chaos. It's almost like we were trained that way and that it is all we've learned to know. Since it is so prevalent to have a life filled with chaos or drama, many are drawn this type of lifestyle simply because of how familiar they are with it. There comes a time in life when you realize there is a different and better way to live your life.
       Over the past few months, I've been in the process of learning more about myself and have learned that I've created a lot of unnecessary drama in the past. I look back to those years of pointless cat fights, all of the he said she said rumors, the 'you stole my guy' arguments and not to mention, the horrible anxiety attacks I dealt with because of everything going on around me and I basically trap myself in my mind forgetting that I could have easily walked away from it all and never got myself involved to begin with.
       As teenagers, it's like as if drama will always be around and no matter what you do, it will never end but we don't come to the realization that it is all based on the way you handle the situation and whom you surround yourself with.
      The way you handle drama is very important. I always thought that if I told people off and made them "look stupid", the drama would end because they wouldn't want to mess with you anymore, never realizing that all it had done was create even more drama. The easiest way to getting rid of it is to simply ignore it. Not responding to drama is a practice. Not responding to drama means silence. It means not asking questions that take you deeper into the scenario. It means neutrality and not lending energy to the person or situation. If someone repeatedly comes to you with catastrophes, give yourself a window of time when you’ll listen, and then take care of your own needs by walking away. Also, resist the urge to jump into a pity party. It is definitely very challenging, but gets easier within time. 

      It is absolutely acceptable to change your life in a way that removes certain people from it when this is what you need to do to feel more comfortable with your own life. If you discover that being friends with anyone in particular causes you any sort of pain, creates drama in your life, or makes you feel uncomfortable, then discontinue the friendship. Those people are what are considered "toxic people".
      In my life, I've dealt with numerous amount of toxic people that I never realized brought a lot of the drama that I was involved with, until now. I've slowly began to rid myself from them and honestly, I don't regret it at all. Getting rid of them doesn't necessarily mean that I won't ever see or talk to them again because that would take me moving far away for that to happen, but it does mean that I've gotten rid of them emotionally. I know that if I see these people, I will respectively say 'hello' to them, but I know what not to talk to them about and won't see myself making plans to hang out with them either. No one should have to be around people who bring nothing but negativity. They will do nothing but get in the way of your happiness and dreams and you definitely do not need that. When we surround ourselves with positive people, we clear away the negativity that exists around us and create more room to welcome nurturing and renewed energy. Doing this not only enriches our lives, but also envelops us in a supportive and healing space that fosters greater growth, understanding, and love of ourselves as well as those we care about. Choose your friends with care - they create the environment in which you will either thrive or wilt. Give everyone the opportunity to be a friend, but share your dreams and goals only with those who value them as much as you do.

         If you continue to remind yourself of your goals, you can avoid a lot of the unnecessary drama. Don't waste that time and energy that could be spent achieving your goals on situations that won't make a difference in your life. Drama will do nothing but attract negative energy and set you back on where you want to be in your life. Now I'm not saying that I've 100% removed all drama from my life, but since I have begun doing so, I've seen some great changes in life. If I see myself involved in something completely pathetic, I remind myself that this is not my purpose in life and continue working on my goals and dreams.

Drama Detox Diet

Posted on

19 November 2013



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